The Benefits of Career Transition Support

Career Transition Support

Unemployment in Alberta is on the rise. With the recent uncertainty in today’s economy, most notably in Alberta, the unemployment rate in Canada has risen to its highest rate since 2011. Layoffs are never an ideal or pleasant experience for organizations to conduct, however they have become a reality for many organizations in today’s economy.

What can we do about it? By first looking at the issues we can identify some tools to make downsizing easier. Exiting employees are faced with entering a very competitive market as there is an influx of quality candidates currently seeking employment. Organizations are having to let go of valued employees who may be strong performers in order to drastically reduce costs and weather the economic turmoil. Remaining employees are left questioning whether or not they will be the next to be let go. There is no doubt the layoff process is sensitive and incredibly stressful for everyone involved.

For many of our clients facing these challenges, we suggest Career Transition Support. This service can assist both organizations and exiting employees with making seamless transitions and take away a lot of the stress involved in the process.

Engaging Career Transition Support services has many benefits for your organization including:

  • Mitigating legal risk: In addition to consulting an HR professional to ensure your employee termination documents are in accordance with employment standards and reflect best practices, offering Career Transition Support as part of the severance package will further mitigate your risk of legal action. Career transition specialists are on-site and available for employees immediately following the termination, providing support and counselling to assure exiting employees understand that the organization cares about their well-being, professional future and success. Providing Career Transition Support as part of the termination package not only offers support beyond requirements of employment standards, but it also increases the chance of an employee finding a position that is the right fit faster. This reduces the organization’s risk of potential challenges, claims or legal action.
  • Preserving your external brand/image: In today’s digital world, news of mass layoffs travels very fast. Local newspapers report on these stories quickly and within hours, the local business community is aware that your organization is making reductions to its workforce. Engaging Career Transition Support will help to maintain your image as a desirable employer because it demonstrates that your organization does care about its workforce, even in less than healthy market conditions. Additionally, Career Transition Support improves future recruitment initiatives as professionals and industry peers can clearly see that your organization cares about its people.
  • Maintaining your internal brand/morale: Career Transition Support helps improve morale within your organization as it demonstrates employees are valued and sends the message to remaining employees that their colleagues and friends who are exiting the organization are treated with respect. This enhances employee engagement, retention and corporate culture.

Career Transition Services also provide many benefits for exiting professionals including:

  • Providing exiting employees with professional expertise: Connecting terminated employees with career transition professionals can greatly impact their job search by shortening the time period individuals are looking for work. This is done through assistance with refining and updating resumes, preparing individuals for upcoming interviews and general polishing in candidate presentation.
  • Identifying market conditions and potential roadblocks: Career transition specialists are experts in the local and even national workforce conditions/indicators and are well versed in economic happenings across all industries. They will be able to provide a realistic outlook on the job search for each individual and provide recommendations on how to overcome potential barriers that will prevent them from being successful in their job search.
  • Reducing stress: Career Transition Support provides exiting employees with a person to be there immediately after the termination and lean on throughout the career transition process. Career transition specialists understand the termination process and can relate to what the former employee is going through. Through engaging these services, the exiting employee will experience an increase in self-esteem and value by professionally dealing with their emotional trauma that may be lingering following their departure.
  • Personalizing a job search strategy: Each individual is offered a personalized transition plan that will prepare them for entering the job search market. Career Transition Support greatly improves job search skills and the likelihood of the individual attaining a challenging new position that is consistent with their desired career path.

The termination process is not an enjoyable experience for any party involved, however it is a reality in today’s business world. Through the use of Career Transition Support services, your organization can ensure that its employment brand is not negatively impacted and reduce the risk of potential litigation. Equally as important, Career Transition Support can ensure that your departing employees are respected and can re-enter the workforce feeling confident, supported and well prepared.

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