Resumes – How Long Do I Keep Them?

Every so often I catch myself hovering over the delete button of an unsolicited resume. Are we, as recruiters, legally able to discard resumes? Asking around, it appears that most HR Professionals are unsure exactly what the requirements are for storing resumes. It appears we tend to hold on to every single resume just in […]

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Managing Disabilities in the Workplace

You say you want a diverse workplace. But what does that really mean? Will you employ a receptionist in a wheelchair? Promote to management someone with a speech impediment? Modify job duties for an individual with limited mobility? Canadian employers are now, more than ever, focused on attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. So, begs […]

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The Benefits of Career Transition Support

Unemployment in Alberta is on the rise. With the recent uncertainty in today’s economy, most notably in Alberta, the unemployment rate in Canada has risen to its highest rate since 2011. Layoffs are never an ideal or pleasant experience for organizations to conduct, however they have become a reality for many organizations in today’s economy. What […]

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