Setting the Table for a Hospitable Business

Setting the Table: The Power of Hospitality in Business. “ Understanding the distinction between service and hospitality has been at the foundation of our success. Service is the technical delivery of a product. Hospitality is how the delivery of that product makes its recipient feel. Service is a monologue- we decide how we want to […]

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Why The End Matters: The Ultimate Guide On How To Leave Your Conversation On A High Note

The witch tried to kill the princess with a poisonous apple…. BUT…. the princess lived happily ever after    The evil stepmother and her daughters treated the girl like a slave…BUT…. the girl lived happily ever after    The horrible hideous troll tried to kill and eat the goats… BUT… the goats lived happily ever […]

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My Path to Human Resources & Joining the Salopek Team!

Hello and welcome to my very first blog post! My name is Zoe Dzenick, and I started with Salopek & Associates as a Human Resources Assistant and Office Administrative Assistant in mid-May of this year. Relocating to Calgary from my hometown of St. Albert in September of 2017 was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating (not unlike […]

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Running- My Route to Renewal!

I feel fortunate I can run and it’s my running that fuels me and keeps me grounded when life gets crazy. I often laugh that I can solve the world’s problems while out for a run. The most complex issues seem to be less intense when I am running and the answers seem to materialize […]

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Be Aware! OH&S Changes Impact HR: Free Breakfast Session

The first Occupational Health & Safety update in 40 years comes into effect June 1, 2018 and the changes will impact your Human Resources policies and practices. Have you prepared your organization, your managers and H&S representatives for the changes?  Bill 30 will come into effect June 1, 2018 and is aimed at improving the […]

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How to Rock an Interview: The Ultimate Guide to Snagging Your Next Job

As a HR Generalist and recruiter, one of my biggest frustrations is when a strong candidate self-sabotages their interview. This can be done a number of ways: being rude, answering questions with one-word responses, speaking negatively about themselves and their experience, venting about their previous or current employer… and the list goes on. But above […]

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Paper or Practice…the 3 P’s in Occupational Health & Safety

  What can go wrong? How bad can it be? How do I know I’m in control? Miriam Webster defines “risk” as: Being in a dangerous situation where something bad or harmful could happen resulting in the possibility of loss or injury Someone or something that creates a hazard that may cause something bad or […]

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Leadership vs. Management

John sat in the interview feeling prepared, confident and excited. He had just spoken about how he would approach the position strategically and more so his commitment to not just being a manager but to also being a great leader to his team. The interviewer turned to John and asked, “What is the difference between […]

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April Fools- Pranks At The Office

Building a positive work environment for your employees is fundamental for the success of any organization. A study by BrightHR found that employees who have fun at work are less likely to take sick days and more likely to report feeling creative at work and committed to their organization. In another study, the University of Warwick measured the impact […]

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Empathy Is The New Black

I recently conducted a social experiment. I asked ten people what the first word that came to mind when I said the word “empathy”. The responses varied from: “touchy feely ugh-ness” to “the softest of soft skills” to “the cornerstone of trust” to “the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes”. It is not […]

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