Employer Branding & Why It’s Important

The current job market continues to be a candidate’s market and Salopek is seeing an increasing number of our clients inquiring about recruitment support and how to position themselves to stand out from competitors. A competitive job market presents an opportunity for organizations to revisit their recruitment strategies and ensure they are positioned to attract […]

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Targeted Search: Recruitment’s Secret Sauce

You develop a job posting that perfectly promotes the opportunity within your organization; your culture, the position profile and a summary of the ideal candidate who will be as passionate about the role as you are! It’s perfect – so you post it. And you wait… This summarizes the start of many companies’ current recruitment […]

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Beginners Guide to Making a Wrong Hire

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the price of a bad hire is at least 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings. A wrong hire costs a company financially and can also impact organizational culture and have a disastrous ripple effect on other employees’ productivity and effectiveness. What constitutes a wrong hire? 1. Lack […]

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Reference Checks: Will they lead to a happy ending?

I have recently been involved in an unorthodox recruitment, where the employer decided that proceeding with reference checks was an unnecessary step in the process. This experience made me re-examine my thoughts on the value and timing of reference checks for employment purposes. Typically, reference checks are one of the last steps performed before proceeding […]

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Hiring for Values and Culture Fit

A company is only as good as it’s employees. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you hire great people. Goes without saying, right? Of course you want to hire people who are qualified to do the job, but more importantly, you want to hire employees whose beliefs and behaviours are aligned with the company’s core values […]

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The Cost of the Lost

I am fascinated with organizations like law firms and medical practices where lawyers, doctors and nurses are placed in senior management positions. ‘Managing Partner’ and ‘Nurse Manager’ are well known positions that you will find in the majority of legal and medical practices. I am often left to wonder what skills or training these professionals, […]

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4 Tips to Successfully Court (and keep) Employees

As I watch my younger sister navigate dating in the 21st century, I cannot help but reflect on the beauty and success of good old-fashioned courting. This period of dating where you get to know each other over dinner dates, flowers, where doors are opened for you, and effort is made. I cannot help but […]

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Recruiting All-Star Candidates

Recruitment is one human resources process in which there is never a dull moment. People are unpredictable and organizations are so dynamic, and often there are at least a couple quick changes throughout the process that force us recruiters to scramble and reorganize. As a recruitment specialist, I am often tasked by my clients to […]

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