The Beauty of a Plan! Strategic Planning 101

I’m a planner. When I have a plan – I’m golden! My team knows this about me and understands the importance of me asking for planning meetings and being patient as I take them through my annual planning process. It’s the same every year but the outcome for me is so liberating. I can actually […]

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Changing Demographics and Succession Planning Today

Our workforce is changing and hopefully the way we are planning for our successors is also changing. What is it about traditional succession planning processes that just don’t work anymore? In my opinion processes are still relevant but the execution is not. Succession plans that are owned by the HR Department and scheduled to be […]

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Strategic HR Partner – our role in developing the road map

When was the last time you sat down to plan a trip with your friend, your husband/wife or, your significant other? Do you recall the feeling of great satisfaction when you nailed – the what, the when and the where? Was there a feeling of relief when you realized you could stop worrying about the […]

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Strategies to Consider During a Downturn

As oil dips below $30 a barrel and the dollar dives to the lowest it’s been since 2003, it is hard to see clearly through the downturn doom and gloom. It is a critical time for organizations to assess their operations, budgets and teams and strategically consider their options for weathering the economic storm while […]

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Planning Amidst Uncertainty – is it Worth it?

Markets are up one day and down the next. Commodity prices are unpredictable and all over the map – mainly heading south! Can we actually plan and budget with such uncertainty? Is the business plan worth the paper it is written on? It depends on how you do your planning – if you are looking for […]

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Non-Profit Sustainability = Investing In Your People

Organizations wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for their people. Organizations and non-profits that offer programming won’t survive without strong leadership and staff to deliver the programs. Why is it then that non-profits find it so challenging to finance people programs and processes? They struggle to find the dollars. Funders are encouraging organizations to be creative […]

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The Evolution of HR

In recent years, Human Resources has gained increasingly more involvement at the strategic level. We have seen the introduction of new titles (VP and Director of HR), representation at the Board level, and the concept of competitive advantage through incorporating HR into the strategic plan. So. What does this mean? This is drastically different to […]

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