Giddy Up! Proper Stampede Etiquette You Can Apply In The Workplace


Picture this … it’s a beautiful sunny day, and while you’re currently enjoying a cinnamon-sugar-coated mini-doughnut, a hot dog sure sounds good. Then you come across a pizza stand … and a hot dog-stuffed pizza stand … and a hot dog-stuffed pizza topped with mini-doughnuts stand … now totally confused, you adjust your cowboy hat.

With the Calgary Stampede quickly approaching, locals and tourists alike are beginning to gear up for their favourite event of the summer … “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”! With all the excitement of the events, rides and of course crazy food choices, “respectful” Stampede etiquette can be easily overlooked …

  1. By pushing your way to the front of the line for your coveted mini-doughnuts
  2. By dressing in what could be construed as inappropriate western attire
  3. By cherry picking your friends when planning to attend an event
  4. By speaking rudely to the “lifties” and using profanity
  5. By invading someone’s personal space without being invited

Despite the Stampede being something almost everyone looks forward to, encountering poor etiquette can take away from your overall experience and might even deter you from wanting to attend in the future. If you think about it, these basic etiquette examples can be applied to multiple events and situations, even at the workplace. Since Bill 30 launched this month in Alberta, respect in the workplace and its impact on Occupational Health & Safety policies is a hot topic. So, how can respectful Stampede etiquette translate into respectful workplace interactions?

  1. By waiting your turn to speak during a meeting and not interrupting your co-workers
  2. By dressing in workplace appropriate attire to avoid making others feel uncomfortable
  3. By making sure you don’t exclude any of your co-workers when planning work-related functions
  4. By speaking kindly to your co-workers, avoiding the use of offensive language
  5. By refraining from entering your co-workers personal space both at and outside of the workplace without first asking permission

As you can imagine or have possibly experienced yourself, disrespectful workplace behaviour can leave the same bad taste as an unfavourable Stampede experience … you might feel uncomfortable, excluded and/or harassed, ultimately creating an unsafe environment. Despite not being able to control others actions, you can begin to create a respectful workplace by ensuring you treat others the way they want to be treated.

Picture this … it’s a beautiful sunny day, and while you’re currently enjoying a collaborative, productive team meeting, grabbing a coffee with a couple of colleagues after sure sounds good. But then suddenly an invite pops up with all your co-workers … and you remember there’s a team social the next evening … then as the meeting is wrapping up, you are asked to lead your next team meeting … now totally cheerful, you adjust your cowboy hat … it is Stampede season after all! Yahoo!

If you need help with any workplace etiquette and/or drafting policies in your office for special events or parties, please feel free to contact us!

About Vanessa Salopek

Vanessa is one of our Business Associate with over 15+ years of small business operational and management experience. Over the years Vanessa has had vast hands-on experience with start-ups, small-medium size business and franchises. She has proudly started, owned, and operated several businesses, including Canadian franchises and a award-winning Restaurant in Calgary Alberta. She is an advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners and understands the unique needs and circumstance of businesses in various industries. Vanessa is also a proud to sit on the Board of Director for AARCS, and understands the importance of aligning Board strategy with daily operations of the organization. Vanessa is a CPHR candidate with a Business degree from the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. She combines years of industry experience with a strong broad and practical skillset that helps organizations look at their people strategy as a full entity of their business to help them grow and develop.

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