Non-Profit Sustainability = Investing In Your People


Organizations wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for their people. Organizations and non-profits that offer programming won’t survive without strong leadership and staff to deliver the programs. Why is it then that non-profits find it so challenging to finance people programs and processes? They struggle to find the dollars. Funders are encouraging organizations to be creative in how they find sustainable dollars to ensure that they can attract and retain their most important resource – their people. Creativity sparks new ways of thinking and old ways of operating are replaced by new business models – this includes collaboration and sharing of resources.

Funders are encouraging non-profits to focus on sustainable HR programs. They offer “funds” to invest in building foundational HR platforms like policies, procedures, performance management programs but then require organizations to find the resources to continue to maintain them. It is this requirement that ensures sustainability. Successful non-profits understand that any effective HR program must be maintained and evolved, and furthermore, the engagement of their people is the only way to attract and retain the best talent. If they don’t find a way to access the required HR support they will be at a competitive disadvantage.

On a Friday afternoon seven senior leaders of non-profits sit around a table and share their HR challenges. Many of these organizations have no internal HR support however they have engaged the support of an HR Consultant to facilitate their discussion and share resources to solve problems. This group will meet four times a year.   They will also have access to the HR Consultant on an on-call basis to assist them in pro-actively managing their Human Resources. This Expert will also be available to assist them when they have a challenging HR issue. Collaboration and purchasing bulk consulting hours makes this support affordable. For the seven organizations sitting around the table – this is time well spent! They are collaborating, learning from each other, sharing resources and building a relationship with an HR Consultant that they can rely on and trust to be there for them as they manage their most important resource – their people!

What is your non-profit doing to ensure you are investing in your people and building a sustainable organization? Contact Salopek & Associates today to learn more about the HR support we provide non-profits and our Non-Profit HR Program.

About Janet Salopek

Salopek and Associates President Janet Salopek is a first rate human resource executive. Janet is a Chartered Professional in Human Resources with 20 plus years of experience. She is a senior business leader with a strong background in strategic planning, human resources and board governance. Janet also brings to the client advanced certification in Board Governance with an Institute of Corporate Directors designation (ICD.D). In June of 2005 Janet left her position as VP of Human Resources for United Farmers of Alberta and in 2006 incorporated Salopek & Associates Ltd. Consulting assignments for Janet in the past 8 years have primarily involved workforce planning as well as attraction and retention strategies utilizing best and emerging human resource practices. Janet has managed all aspects of Human Resources for both small and large organizations. She is also an instructor at the University of Calgary.

Looking for Support with Developing HR Programs that Engage Your People? Contact Us.

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