What’s Your Burning HR Question? Wrongful Dismissal

Earlier this week Salopek & Associates took to social media to ask our audience to share with us their burning HR question. We have chosen a question which seems to be a hot topic for discussion- Wrongful Dismissal. Question: We had an employee who frequently failed to show up to work, claiming personal reasons which, […]

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Where has the Engagement Gone?

The recession has hit Alberta hard; many professionals have fallen victim to downsizing and layoffs, but what about the surviving employees? Some managers might wonder why, during a time when all hands should be on deck, remaining employees are fading into the background instead of rising to the occasion. Where has the engagement gone? Lack […]

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Do’s and Don’ts: Cover Letter & Resume

The economic environment in Alberta has taken a toll on a lot of organizations, and unfortunately as a result, many professionals have been laid off. Today fewer companies are hiring and unemployment has increased – which has created a very competitive job market for those opportunities that do exist. Many professionals are faced with the challenge of […]

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Strategies to Consider During a Downturn

As oil dips below $30 a barrel and the dollar dives to the lowest it’s been since 2003, it is hard to see clearly through the downturn doom and gloom. It is a critical time for organizations to assess their operations, budgets and teams and strategically consider their options for weathering the economic storm while […]

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Job Search Strategies for the Newly Unemployed

2015 was a tough year for Alberta. Drastically lower oil prices have led to layoffs in the thousands and with no guaranteed uptick in the near future, economic conditions look to remain tougher for longer. If you are one of the thousands of people who have recently found yourself unemployed, it is easy to get […]

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Alberta HR Trends 2015

Salopek & Associates has been sharing HR trends and best practices with our network and clients for the past 10 years. One resource that is always of interest is the Alberta HR Trends Report, an initiative started by HRIA in 2013 that bi-annually surveys over 1000 HR professionals in Alberta to gain insight on industry […]

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Lay-Offs – Moving Forward With Purpose

We have all either experienced it and/or read about it – the after effects of a lay-off. Staff leaving offices with their termination packages, stunned as they walk to their desk to pack up their belongings and looking embarrassed as they say a quick good-bye to those they meet in the hall. Those that remain stand […]

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The Benefits of Career Transition Support

Unemployment in Alberta is on the rise. With the recent uncertainty in today’s economy, most notably in Alberta, the unemployment rate in Canada has risen to its highest rate since 2011. Layoffs are never an ideal or pleasant experience for organizations to conduct, however they have become a reality for many organizations in today’s economy. What […]

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Downsizing with Dignity

With oil prices dipping below $45 a barrel, economic downturn and job stability are major concerns for business owners, executives and employees at all levels of the organization. While multinational corporations are making headlines for mass employee layoffs, the drop in oil price is affecting organizations of all sizes in various industries, and downsizing has […]

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