Becoming an HR Best Practice Leader

As a human resources professional, I am oftentimes enlisted by my clients to bring forward recommendations and advice based on current HR best practices. Companies want confirmation that they are competitive in today’s market and that they are ahead of the 8-ball with respect to their organizational practices. However, the challenge is that best practices […]

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Abolishing Traditional Performance Reviews – it’s time!

How many of us truly believe that our performance review process adds value and that the time we spend managing the process improves results and the organization’s bottom line? In a public survey Deloitte conducted recently, more than half the executives questioned (58%) believe that their current performance management approach drives neither employee engagement nor […]

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Progressive Performance Management

  Performance management is an important human resources initiative that helps organizations manage their people, reward top performers and identify those employees who are struggling to meet organizational expectations. Having formalized performance management processes in place helps organizations become more efficient and effective by ensuring that their employees are meeting and exceeding performance goals. When […]

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2016 Workplace Resolutions – What’s Yours?

The start of a new year is all about planning – planning the weight you will lose, the alcohol you will avoid, or how you will spend the money you save by not smoking. New Year’s resolutions are typically about personal plans for improvement, but they are also a useful tool for organizations and their […]

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Corporate Holiday Parties: Managing Un-Merry Behaviour

With the holiday season upon us, Salopek & Associates recognizes that many companies across Canada are excited about their upcoming Holiday Parties. It is an annual event that most employees look forward to, reminisce about and always have a story or two to tell you about from the year before. Holiday parties are a great opportunity […]

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3 Advantages of Mentorship Programs

As baby boomers retire, with them they take incredibly valuable human capital that is not easily replaced. It is well known that this generation is exiting the workforce at increasing rates and behind them millennials are coming in the door, just beginning their careers. Capturing all of the internal company knowledge, skills and experience in […]

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Non-Profit Sustainability = Investing In Your People

Organizations wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for their people. Organizations and non-profits that offer programming won’t survive without strong leadership and staff to deliver the programs. Why is it then that non-profits find it so challenging to finance people programs and processes? They struggle to find the dollars. Funders are encouraging organizations to be creative […]

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Back-to-Work Brights

The Labour Day long weekend has come and gone, and in some areas of Calgary it snowed on the weekend. Summer certainly feels over and the thrill of the new season can be seen across the faces of all employees as they gleefully return from summer vacations and excitedly hunker down at their desks for […]

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Guide to Onboarding – Part 1

Onboarding, not paddleboarding! Image Source Congratulations! You have recently completed an exhaustive job search and have spent countless hours reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. You have painstakingly pondered over which candidate you feel will best suit your team, performed all the necessary background checks, and extended a great offer to your top candidate for a […]

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