The Simple Art of Effective Listening

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” –Doug Larson Among the many keys to establishing and maintaining a strong relationship, there isn’t anything I value more than practising effective listening skills. In my own experience, I have always felt more confident and empowered leaving a […]

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The Cost of a Coffee

Every weekday my husband spends $1.77 at Tim Hortons on a coffee. Every day – without fail. At first I thought the cost, although minimal compared to my $4.99 Starbucks obsession, was wasteful and unnecessary considering his employer offers free coffee at the office. But, upon further consideration, I started to realize what that $1.77 […]

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A Compelling Case for Corporate Carpooling

With the Labour Day long weekend behind us and everyone preparing to trade their tans for turtle necks, I started thinking about what this time of year used to mean for me…back to school, back to sports programs, and catching up with friends about what they got up to over the summer holidays. With Fall […]

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Customer Service: A Love Letter To The Guy Who Just Gets It

Dear Guy who Works at the COBS Bread in Westhills, Do you know that I am in complete awe of you? I go out of my way to buy my bread from this one specific location because of you. You speak to every customer with such kindness and authenticity. Your professionalism is always maintained, and […]

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Embrace the Eccentric!

“What people call “weird” comes part and parcel with people who are brilliant in some way.  So embrace your weird.  Embrace your eccentricity.” – Elleen Anglin , Life Coach No matter what industry, position, or place you work in, I’m sure we all have that one co-worker who is singled out as the office “odd ball”. […]

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Beginners Guide to Making a Wrong Hire

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the price of a bad hire is at least 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings. A wrong hire costs a company financially and can also impact organizational culture and have a disastrous ripple effect on other employees’ productivity and effectiveness. What constitutes a wrong hire? 1. Lack […]

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Kill’em With Kindness

The loveliest thing happened to me a few weeks ago… I finished a gruesome workout at Orange Theory Fitness Kensington called “Unrest”, and with my legs shaking, I walked home, anticipating picking up a large coffee as a treat for surviving my first workout in far too long…I ordered my coffee at my local coffee […]

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Keeping Up…The Changing Landscape Of Ontario ESA Legislation

It seems no matter which direction we turn these days change just keeps a comin’! In 2018, Ontario employers have faced a number of new challenges – more than just an increase in minimum wage – arising from the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 … better known as “Bill 148”. To help navigate the […]

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Giddy Up! Proper Stampede Etiquette You Can Apply In The Workplace

  Picture this … it’s a beautiful sunny day, and while you’re currently enjoying a cinnamon-sugar-coated mini-doughnut, a hot dog sure sounds good. Then you come across a pizza stand … and a hot dog-stuffed pizza stand … and a hot dog-stuffed pizza topped with mini-doughnuts stand … now totally confused, you adjust your cowboy […]

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