HR Assessment Checklist

Employment laws are changing. The workforce is shifting. The way we work has evolved. It’s time your HR did too! Human Resources plays an essential role in managing a company’s greatest asset – it’s people! When managed effectively, HR can have a huge impact on productivity, engagement, attraction and retention. Conducting an HR Assessment is […]

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Strategic HR Partner – our role in developing the road map

When was the last time you sat down to plan a trip with your friend, your husband/wife or, your significant other? Do you recall the feeling of great satisfaction when you nailed – the what, the when and the where? Was there a feeling of relief when you realized you could stop worrying about the […]

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Distinguished Career Award Winner – Janet Salopek!

Salopek & Associates is very proud to announce that Janet Salopek, President and Founder of Salopek & Associates, was awarded the Distinguished Career Award at today’s 2017 HRIA Conference in Edmonton – Congratulations Janet!!! Any professional who has had the pleasure of working with Janet throughout her remarkable career would agree that she is more […]

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Planning a Passionate Career Path

Janet Salopek, President of Salopek & Associates, with original members of Salopek’s consulting team in 2006, the year Janet started the business, which has grown to a team of 15 consultants across Canada today.  For as long as I can remember I have always said and completely believed that as long as I had a Plan I […]

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Policies and Procedures: Friend or Foe?

Policies and procedures are an amazing tool we provide our staff to help provide them with guidance and clarity, in addition to ensuring consistency of practice. However, like when a superhero uses their powers incorrectly they can quickly turn into an evil villain or monster, the same holds true for how we implement and use […]

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4 Tips to Successfully Court (and keep) Employees

As I watch my younger sister navigate dating in the 21st century, I cannot help but reflect on the beauty and success of good old-fashioned courting. This period of dating where you get to know each other over dinner dates, flowers, where doors are opened for you, and effort is made. I cannot help but […]

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Forbidden Love: Office Romance and HR

With Valentine’s Day upon us, love is in the air! Candy hearts and red roses abound. Great if you’re in a relationship, but not so awesome if you are single and looking for love. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the office is one of the most common places to find that someone special. This is not overly […]

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Recruiting All-Star Candidates

Recruitment is one human resources process in which there is never a dull moment. People are unpredictable and organizations are so dynamic, and often there are at least a couple quick changes throughout the process that force us recruiters to scramble and reorganize. As a recruitment specialist, I am often tasked by my clients to […]

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Recruiting in a Down Economy

It is no secret that in Alberta, and more specifically in Calgary, we are experiencing a very challenging economic time and job market. Thousands of Calgarians have lost their jobs and are seeking employment, many of them unemployed for an extended period of time. The latest unemployment rate in November 2016 has Alberta’s largest city […]

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