New Year, New You- 2022!

Happy New Year! As we welcome 2022 and look forward to new opportunities, progress, and growth, it is important for us to take time to both reflect on the past year and set ourselves up for success in the coming year. Many of us have recently refreshed our workplans and goals for the year and […]

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What’s In Your Future?

  Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, are you wondering where your career passion is? It’s that time of year – no, it’s not New Year’s but SPRING … the time of year we all look forward to when the trees and the plants and the animals start showing signs of rebirth … of […]

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The Simple Art of Effective Listening

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” –Doug Larson Among the many keys to establishing and maintaining a strong relationship, there isn’t anything I value more than practising effective listening skills. In my own experience, I have always felt more confident and empowered leaving a […]

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The 20 Hour Work Week: Working Smarter Not Harder

Can you image what your life would be like if you only had to work 20 hours in a week? You could hit the links and go golfing with some friends, or catch a matinee movie, or even hit the gym before the after work craze. Its safe to say that working less hours would […]

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A Compelling Case for Corporate Carpooling

With the Labour Day long weekend behind us and everyone preparing to trade their tans for turtle necks, I started thinking about what this time of year used to mean for me…back to school, back to sports programs, and catching up with friends about what they got up to over the summer holidays. With Fall […]

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Embrace the Eccentric!

“What people call “weird” comes part and parcel with people who are brilliant in some way.  So embrace your weird.  Embrace your eccentricity.” – Elleen Anglin , Life Coach No matter what industry, position, or place you work in, I’m sure we all have that one co-worker who is singled out as the office “odd ball”. […]

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The Feedback Rant

Ken Blanchard said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions”. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (you do know that, right?) – it provides the body and brain with fuel, energy and stamina to get through the day. In the same way, without feedback, the organization starves. Without feedback, the organization operates in […]

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HR Question & Answer

As a company that proudly supports organizations across Canada, one of Salopek & Associates’ core Values is to provide accessible support and service to our clients. To us, Accessible not only means physically being available to pick up the phone or meet in your office, but it also reflects the effort we have made to […]

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The Science of Appreciation

Lately, the subject I’ve had the most conversations about is Engagement. Fortunately for me, this is a topic I am passionate about. As a self-professed HR Management Junkie, I can (and do) spend many an hour discovering and evaluating new ideas to further my own understanding and aid my practice. While brainstorming for a potential […]

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