Performance Management Workshop: April 27th

Salopek & Associates kicked off our 2017 Training Workshop Program in February with a great first session on Delivering Difficult Messages, and would like to thank everyone who joined us! We are excited for our next workshop on April 27th – Performance Management: A New Approach, which will address challenges, changes and best practices in […]

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360 Assessments: Leadership Development

I love getting feedback…. especially if it’s positive and complimentary. When it’s negative or constructive, it can sometimes be hard to take. I’ve always admired people who can take feedback really well. It’s a skill. Often, my first reaction is to get defensive, which is a totally normal, emotional response. But in reality, constructive feedback […]

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Becoming a “Best Place to Work”

According to Forbes, the Best Places to Work offer outstanding work environments and company cultures that clearly demonstrates their mission, culture and values through strong communication with employees and job seekers*. Best places to work also focus on building a collaborative employee environment; they are dynamic with a fast pace of growth; and these organizations […]

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Abolishing Traditional Performance Reviews – it’s time!

How many of us truly believe that our performance review process adds value and that the time we spend managing the process improves results and the organization’s bottom line? In a public survey Deloitte conducted recently, more than half the executives questioned (58%) believe that their current performance management approach drives neither employee engagement nor […]

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Progressive Performance Management

  Performance management is an important human resources initiative that helps organizations manage their people, reward top performers and identify those employees who are struggling to meet organizational expectations. Having formalized performance management processes in place helps organizations become more efficient and effective by ensuring that their employees are meeting and exceeding performance goals. When […]

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2016 Workplace Resolutions – What’s Yours?

The start of a new year is all about planning – planning the weight you will lose, the alcohol you will avoid, or how you will spend the money you save by not smoking. New Year’s resolutions are typically about personal plans for improvement, but they are also a useful tool for organizations and their […]

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Corporate Holiday Parties: Managing Un-Merry Behaviour

With the holiday season upon us, Salopek & Associates recognizes that many companies across Canada are excited about their upcoming Holiday Parties. It is an annual event that most employees look forward to, reminisce about and always have a story or two to tell you about from the year before. Holiday parties are a great opportunity […]

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3 Advantages of Mentorship Programs

As baby boomers retire, with them they take incredibly valuable human capital that is not easily replaced. It is well known that this generation is exiting the workforce at increasing rates and behind them millennials are coming in the door, just beginning their careers. Capturing all of the internal company knowledge, skills and experience in […]

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HR Specialist Answers Your Call – Wrongful Dismissal

You send in your employment questions, we answer them! HR Specialist Answers your Call  provides examples and real life cases of managers dealing with HR issues. Our HR Specialist On Call service is available 24/7 to answer real life concerns. We had an employee who frequently failed to show up to work, claiming personal reasons […]

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