Back-to-Work Brights

Back to Work Brights

The Labour Day long weekend has come and gone, and in some areas of Calgary it snowed on the weekend. Summer certainly feels over and the thrill of the new season can be seen across the faces of all employees as they gleefully return from summer vacations and excitedly hunker down at their desks for Fall. Or not.

Beating back-to-work blues can be a bit of a challenge for employees and managers alike, but the start of September can actually be the perfect time to put positive habits in place and provide a perspective that encourages employees to finish the year off on the highest note possible. Here are a few suggestions and thoughts to help make heading back to work a bit brighter for you and your team:

  • Summer-ize the Season – With everyone in and out of the office over the summer, it can be hard to connect with your team. Take time to catch up with employees as they return from summer vacation. Hear how their holidays were and revisit performance plans, discussing priorities and objectives for the remainder of the year. Help them to harness the recharge they received over the summer and focus on achieving goals they have set for the remainder of the year.
  • Play Up to the 3rd Period Pressure – Heading into hockey season, many Calgarians will remember the reputation the Flames garnered last year for the heat they brought to the 3rd No other NHL team scored more goals in the third period, or won as many games after being down after 2 periods, than the Flames. With only 4 months left to the year, September is officially the professional 3rd period, so suit up, get your game face on and prepare to kick some KPI ass! If you’re a manager, get your team excited about making the next 4 months the best of their year, and plan a celebration for the new year that allows your team to look back on the success they achieved in 2015.
  • Give Thought to Giving Back – The start of Fall is the perfect time to get employees engaged in corporate giving and community outreach. The days get colder and holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving provide the perfect opportunity for employees to come together and work as a team to support the community. Having a say in how your organization gives back will build employee morale and encourage a positive culture while strengthening teamwork skills.

September is the perfect time of year to get your team together, reconnect and revisit goals for 2015. While 4 months seems like a short period of time, it is long enough to make a substantial difference in achieving personal and organizational performance goals. Putting a positive spin on September and presenting the opportunity it brings to finish the year off with a bang can make everyone feel a lot brighter about coming back to work.

About Amanda Salopek

Salopek & Associates - Director Business Development and Human Resource Associate - Amanda Salopek. Areas of expertise include: marketing, business development and recruiting. Amanda is a Partner and Director of Business Development at Salopek & Associates. She is a Certified Human Resources Professional who holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in addition to a Registered Professional Recruiter Designation. Amanda is an experienced Recruiter who has worked with organizations across a variety of industries to support in full cycle recruitment training and executing the recruitment process. Amanda is an HR Generalist, with her expertise including successful LMO process execution and assisting managers with employee relations, exit interviews, policies & procedures and employment standard inquires.

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